Saturday, August 4, 2018

My 'Third Place"

I work mostly from home.  There is a corporate office, and I occasionally go there, but it’s not required, and it’s a long drive.  So, for the most part I work out of the house – every day of the week – 7 days / 24 hours. 

And, every day, I go to my “Third Place” – I work there too.   It’s a term recently attributed to the phenomenon of Starbucks.  It’s an official Starbucks goal to become the “third place” in our daily lives.  Americans need a third place to work – and they own it.

You’ve seen them – those people sitting there, focused on their laptops with paper and pen in hand, earbuds on – talking to someone on a conference call.  Oh, and drinking a cup of coffee.  Their wi-fi is fantastic – better than any other (owned by Google).  It’s amazing.
Within just 2 miles of my house are 7 Starbucks.  I’ve named them: 1) Starbucks east, 2) Starbucks west, 3) Starbucks grub, 4) Starbucks warren, 5) Starbucks weirs, 6) Starbucks coit, 7) Starbucks tom thumb.  Not much further – are 5 more Starbucks.  but I usually stick to these 7.
I rotate all these Starbucks – so people don’t think I’m a psychopath.  Still, you begin to recognize the same people, day-after-day.  And they recognize you - with a friendly nod of the head - basically saying "here we are again".  They’re doing what I do – using the ‘Third Place’ to get work done. 

So each morning to get the day started, early, I grab my laptop and work folders and head to one of these Starbucks.   I also keep my Bible study material in the car, and before doing any work I spend time in a devotional.  This is the most productive part of my day – that first hour or two at Starbucks.  There’s something about the white noise of cappuccino machines, good music, people talking . . . . for some reason I am VERY productive at my Third Place.   The coffee isn’t that good – but I only spend $2 and I take a few sips, pour the rest out,  then get a free refill, sometimes two.    

I don’t like their politics, but I like working at my “Third Place”.

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